Our new home

This is a really exciting time. We are beyond happy that God has opened up this amazing space for us right in the heart of Dunstable.

A place we can call home. A safe place. Not just for Sundays, but where we can bring people together throughout the week; where the good news can be shared, lives restored and healed, people fed, encouraged and cared for, where people can learn for the first time that God is good. That He does indeed love them.

We have the building, and that is exciting. We’ve even started meeting here. But shaping it into the church we’re dreaming of, is going to take time, money and wisdom.

We believe this will be a place that God uses not just to bless the church, but to reach our community. A church that points to God’s love and faithfulness. A safe space to explore faith and meet with God. A church on Sunday, a cafe in the week.

Continue to pray. There’s still a lot to do. Pray that God would give us wisdom, direction, and provision as we continue to make decisions and develop this space into the church we need. A church that everyone can call home.  

And please consider giving what you can. Help us build this church, and be a part of what God is going to do here. Fitting it out with all the furniture and equipment we need so we can be a massive blessing to all who come here.

Pledge Form

If you are not in a position to give to the building project at the moment then we totally understand. It is incredibly hard in todays economic climate, and we know that.

But please would you prayerfully consider making a pledge towards the project. This would help us take the next steps of faith into what God is calling us to and seeing the new building realised.

Thank you so much.
