
R+R is deeply commited to following the way of Jesus; loving God with everything we have, and loving others just as He loves us.

Started in 2014 by Henry and Debra Cross. The Rock+Redeemer Vineyard Church was sent out of the St.Albans Vineyard Church and is part of the association of Vineyard Churches in the UK. A movement with over 2400 churches in 95 countries around the world.

Moving into the heart of Dunstable, R+R is keen to see the church flourish; to be a place we can look to follow the way of Jesus. Where worship, compassion and the presence of the Holy Spirit are priorities. Where we we can explore what the Bible has to say to us. Pray for each other, and love each other. Serve those around us in need, heal the broken-hearted, and set people free.

We want Rock+Redeemer to be a safe place for you. We value authenticity and honesty. And we recognise that every single human being on the planet is made in the image of God. His welcome is for all, not just those that look like they ‘fit in’.

Rock and Redeemer Vineyard Church Mother and child
Rock and redeemer Vineyard Church Dunstable

“We in the Vineyard have, from the very outset of our ministry, made worship our highest priority. Believing that it is God's desire that we become, first, worshippers of God.”

— John Wimber, Founder of the Vineyard Movement